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Hania Rahmah
Turmudi Turmudi
Tatang Herman
Suhendra Suhendra


Creative reasoning is a person's ability to solve mathematical problems in a manner of thinking that deviates from the norm, yet remains logical and grounded in a strong mathematical foundation. While crucial for students, many have not yet attained proficiency in creative reasoning, necessitating comprehensive research on the subject. This study aims to elucidate students' creative reasoning abilities in tackling straight-line equation problems, focusing on indicators such as creativity, plausibility, and anchoring. Employing a qualitative approach with a case study design, the research involved three students from Madrasah Tsanawiyah who had studied straight-line equations. The primary instrument was the researcher, supported by a creative reasoning ability description test and interviews. Data collection utilized triangulation techniques, encompassing tests and interviews. Analysis of the research findings entailed describing students' creative mathematical reasoning abilities for each creative reasoning indicator in straight-line equation material. Results indicated that while students could provide correct and reasonable arguments in solving mathematical problems, they struggled to devise alternative methods and employ strategies based on mathematical concepts. Consequently, they only met the plausibility criterion, falling short in creativity and anchoring. Thus, it can be concluded that students have not yet achieved creative reasoning proficiency in solving straight-line equation problems.

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How to Cite
Rahmah, H., Turmudi, T., Herman, T., & Suhendra, S. (2024). HOW ARE STUDENTS’ CREATIVE REASONING ABILITIES IN SOLVING STRAIGHT-LINE EQUATION PROBLEMS?. Kalamatika: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 9(1), 65-82.


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